Dr. Hezron Rasugu Mogaka Publications
Publications in Journals:
- Mogaka, H., S. Kiprotich, E. Otara, L. Muriithi and F. Kaumi. 2025. Effects of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies on the Productivity of Sorghum in the Drier Parts of Upper Eastern Kenya. Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences 13(x): DOI: https://doi.org/10.22194/JGIAS/25.1512
- Kyalo, A.M., H. Mogaka, F.K. Kirimi, K. Kizito, S.N. Ndirangu, C.N. Onyari, L. Muriithi, O.N. Elvin, S.K. Mutungi, S. Kiprotich, M.M. Njiru and E.A. Kamau. 2025. Exploring Socio-Economic Characteristics on Adoption Intensity of Biochar Among Farming Households in Sub-Humid Regions of Western Kenya. Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences 13(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.22194/JGIAS/25.1608
- Mutungi, S.K., H.R. Mogaka, F.K. Kirimi, C.N. Onyari, L. Muriithi, O.N. Elvin, S. Kiprotich, M.M. Njiru, A.M. Kyalo and E.A. Kamau. 2025. Socio-economic Factors Influencing Youth Farmers' Use of Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in Drylands of Machakos County, Kenya. Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural Sciences 13(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.22194/JGIAS/25.1608
- Wambua, D. M., Ndirangu, S.N, Mogaka, H. Gichimu, B.M. (2024) Decomposition of the Coffee Value Chain Among Smallholder Farmers in Embu and Kirinyaga Counties in Central Kenya. Advances in Agriculture. Volume 2024, Article ID 9346391, 12 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/9346391
- Otieno, E. O., Mucheru-Muna, M. W., Kifuko-Koech, M. N., Kamau, C. N., Ndung'u-Magiroi, K. W., Mogaka, H., & Mugwe, J. N. (2024). Strategic research in the domain of secondary nutrients, micronutrients, liming and 4R stewardship in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Challenges, 100960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2024.100960
- Kiprotich, S., Mogaka, H., Ndirangu, S. N., & Onyari, C. N. (2023) Determinants of adoption and adoption intensity of intergrated soil fertility managemnt technologies among sorghum farmers in upper Eastern Kenya. Soil Use and Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12958
- Odikor, S., Nyang’anga, H. T., Kizito, K. M., and Mogaka, H. (2023) Assessment of Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers Willingness to Pay for Climate Change Adaptation Information Access in South-Eastern Kenya. Asian J. Agric. Ext. Econ. Soc., vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 661-672, 2023 https://doi.org/10.9734/ajaees/2023/v41i92088
- Mogaka, H. (2023). Effects of Regenerative Agriculture Technologies on the Productivity of Cowpea in the Drylands of Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 190–198. https://doi.org/10.18006/2023.11(1).190.198
- Otara, E. N., Mogaka, H. R., Ndirangu, S. N., & Mugwe, J. N. (2023). Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Uptake of Regenerative Agriculture Technologies in the Dry-lands of Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27(1), 1-12. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jae.v27i1.1
- Kirimi, F. K., Onyari, C. N., Njeru, L. K., & Mogaka, H. R. (2022). Extension-market linkages on banana commercialisation among smallholder farmers in Meru Region, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 26(1), 18-26
- Kithome, M., Rasugu, H. M., Mugwe, J. N., & Nyarindo, H. I. (2022). Factors influencing Adoption of Irrigation Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 26(3), 44-59.
- Njenga, M. W., Mugwe, J. N., Mogaka, H. R., Nyabuga, G., Oduor, N., Kiboi, M., ... & Mugendi, D. (2021). Determinants of farmers’ knowledge on soil and water conservation technologies in dry zones of Central Highlands, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 25(4).
- Njenga, M. W., Mugwe, J. N., Mogaka, H., Nyabuga, G., Kiboi, M., Ngetich, F., ... & Mugendi, D. (2021). Communication Factors Influencing Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in the Dry Zones of Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya. Heliyon, e08236.
- Njenga, M. W., Mugwe, J. N., Mogaka, H. R., Nyabuga, G., Oduor, N., Kiboi, M., ... & Mugendi, D. (2021). Determinants of Farmers’ Knowledge on Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in Dry Zones of Central Highlands, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 25(4), 127-143.
- Muriithi, L. N., & Mogaka, H. R. (2021). Factors Affecting Multiple Climate Change Adaptation Practices of Smallholder Farmers in lower Eastern Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 25(4), 92-100.
- Muchangi, N. M., Mogaka, H. R., Ndirangu, N. S., & Gichimu, B. M. (2021). Factors Influencing Adoption of Improved Cultivars of Macadamia (Macadamia spp.) among Small-Scale Farmers in Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 25(4), 119-126.
- Kirimi, F. K., Onyari, C. N., Njeru, L. K., & Mogaka, H. R. (2021). Effect of on-farm testing on adoption of banana production technologies among smallholder farmers in Meru region, Kenya. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies.
- Onyango, D. A., Mogaka, H. R., Ndirangu, S. N., & Kwena, K. (2021). Household socio-economic factors influencing choice of agro-advisory dissemination pathways for climate change in semi-arid areas of Kenya. Information Development, 02666669211026005.
- Kirimi, F. K., Nyambane, C. O., Njeru, L. K., & Mogaka, H. R. (2021). Extension training for banana value addition among smallholder farmers in Meru and Tharaka-Nithi Counties, Kenya.
- Muriithi, L. N., Onyari, C. N., Mogaka, H. R., Gichimu, B. M., Gatumo, G. N., & Kwena, K. (2021). Adoption Determinants of Adapted Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies Among Smallholder Farmers in Machakos, Makueni, and Kitui Counties of Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 25(2), 75-85.
- Ndeke, A. M., Mugwe, J. N., Mogaka, H., Nyabuga, G., Kiboi, M., Ngetich, F., ... & Mugendi, D. (2021). Gender-specific determinants of Zai technology use intensity for improved soil water management in the drylands of Upper Eastern Kenya. Heliyon, e07217.
- Mugwe, J. N., Ayieko, D., Bett, K., & Mogaka, H. (2020). Determinants of smallholders farmers’ participation in collective marketing of maize in the central highlands of Kenya. African Journal of Rural Development, 4(2), 225-241.
- Mogaka, H. 2004. Economic instruments for sustainable community forest conservation: The cases of Taita Hills, Ol Donyo Orok and Minziro forests. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) report.
- Admassu, H., Mahoo, H. F., Rwehumbiza, F. B. R., Tumbo, S. D, and Mogaka, H. 2014 Enhancing response farming for improved strategic and tactical agronomic management of risks of seasonal rainfall variability 2014
- Admassu, H., Mahoo, H. F., Rwehumbiza, F. B. R., Tumbo, S. D, and Mogaka, H 2014. Response farming for improved strategic and tactical agronomic management of seasonal rainfall variability. ASARECA General Assembly and Scientific Conference Proceedings (2013)
- Onesmus Semalulu; Mugonola, B; Bonabana-Wabbi, J; Kayanga, S; and Mogaka, H. 2014: Optimizing use of integrated soil fertility management options for profitable groundnut production in Uganda. Landmark Research Journals. Agriculture and Soil Sciences (LRJASS) Vol. 1 issue 5 pp. 061-069, September, 2014.
- Emma T. Liwenga, Jalloh, A. and Mogaka, H. 2014; Enabling research-to-policy dialogue for adaptation to climate change in Africa: Review of Research and Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector in East Africa. Future Agricultures – Working paper No. 103
- Andrew K. Githeko1, Jalloh, A., Mogaka, H. 2014; Enabling research-to-policy dialogue for adaptation to climate change in Africa: Review of Research and Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in the health Sector in East Africa. Future Agricultures – Working paper No. 104
- Chipo Plaxedes Mubaya, Abdulai Jalloh, Mogaka, H. 2014; Research and Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in the East Africa Urban Sector. Future Agricultures – Working paper No. 102
- D. N. Kiamro, J. Sinyangwe, G. E. Mbegale, G. C. Kajembe, & H. Mogaka, 2013; Stakeholder’s diverging interests and emerging resource use conflicts in apiculture in Usambara Mountains, Tanzania – in Joint Proceedings of the 27th Soil Science Society of East Africa and the 6th African Soil Science Society.
Presentation of Papers at Academic and Professional Conferences
- National Research Conference on Sustainable use of Land and Natural Resources to enhance food security in Kenya
- National Research Conference programme
- Climate variability and water resources
Books/Book Chapters Published
- Kizito Kwena, Fitih Ademe, Joseph Serge, Nezeghty Asmerom, Bernard Musana, Razaka Razakamiaramanana, Reuben Ruttoh, Mogaka, H., Assefa Dereje, Kifle Woldearegey, Anthony Esilaba and Rosemary Emongor. (2018)Bringing Climate Smart Agriculture to Scale: Experiences from the Water Productivity Project in East and Central Africa. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.72365
- FitzGibbon, C., Mogaka, H. and Fanshawe, J. 1996, Subsistence Hunting and Mammal Conservation in a Kenyan Coastal Forest: Resolving a Conflict. In Taylor, V and Dunstone, N. (eds), The Exploitation of Mammal Populations, pp147-159. Chapman and Hall Publishers, London - UK.
- FitzGibbon, C., Mogaka, H. and Fanshawe, J. 2000, Threatened Mammals, Subsistence Harvesting, and High Human Population Densities: A Recipe for Disaster? In John G. R. and E. Benneth (eds), Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests, pp 106 – 153.
- Mogaka, H. R., G. Simons, J. Turpie and L. Emerton, 2001, Economic Incentives for Enhanced Community Involvement in Forest Management in Eastern and Southern Africa. Biodiversity and Economics for Eastern Africa. The World Conservation Union (IUCN).
- Mogaka, H. Kipkoech A. & Okeyo, J. B (editors). 2012. Payment for environmental services: laying the ground work in the Esatern and Central Africa sub-region
- Mogaka, H. and L. Emerton, 2000, Tharaka’s Hidden Harvest, in Scully John (ed), Eco-forum – The East African Environment and Development Magazine, Short Rains 2000 (pp 42 – 44).
- Kizito Kwena, F. Ademe, H. Mogaka et al,. 2018. Bringing Smart Climate Agriculture to Scale: Experiences from the Water Produtivity Project in Eastern and Central Africa