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Project title:
Scaling-up Pathways of Last Mile Climate Information Services for Community Resilience in Uganda and Kenya

Funding Agency:
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada is funding the project for a period of 3 years (2018 – 2021)

Project sites:
Kenya - Kitui, Machakos and Makueni Counties, and
Uganda - Soroti, Sembabule and Nakasongola Districts with Rakai District as the control site.

Participating Partners:
This is a regional project being implemented in Kenya and Uganda by the following partners: Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) – the lead organisation, University of Embu (UoE), and Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD); and Uganda Chartered HealthNet (UCH) and Family Health International (FHI) in Uganda.

Project objectives:
Broad objective: To enhance the resilience of smallholder farming communities and households in Uganda and Kenya to the impacts of climate change

Specific objectives:

  1. Contribute to better understanding of long-term costs and benefits of ICT mediated climate information services to small-holder farmers,
  2. Assess effective strategies and pathways for scaling up ICT mediated climate information services with multi-stakeholders within the public sector and intermediaries to inform future scale-up design,
  3. Examine the enabling environments and policy framework needed for ICT-mediated climate information services to advise current climate policy and legislatives processes in Kenya and Uganda, respectively, and
  4. Develop and test monitoring, evaluation and learning framework needed to measure progress of the scaling-up process and create impact at scale. The project is expected to generate the following outcomes

Expected outcomes

  1. Enhanced agricultural productivity and income among small holder farmers, and
  2. Policy framework and Institutional arrangements for scaling up ICT mediated climate information delivery services operationalized

Team Members (Kenya Team):
Dr. Kizito Kwena (KALRO)     – Team Leader/Coordinator
Dr. Hezron Mogaka (UoEm)    - Team Member
Dr. Stella Matere (KALRO)    – Team Member
Dr. William Ndegwa (KMD)    - Team Member


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