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Welcome to the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension

First Year Students 2023 Welcome Message by the Chairman Of Department

It is with great pleasure and a sense of profound anticipation that I extend a warm welcome to each one of you as we embark on this exciting academic journey together within the Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension at the University of Embu.

Our department is a hub of knowledge, innovation, and opportunity. We take immense pride in offering a diverse range of academic programs, including two Bachelor of Science programs – BSc Agricultural Education and Extension, and BSc Agribusiness Management. These programs, along with other diploma and postgraduate studies, are designed to equip you with the skills, expertise, and insights needed to excel in the dynamic world of agriculture and agribusiness.

Agriculture, as we all know, forms the cornerstone of our nation's economy and it plays an indispensable role in addressing global challenges like food security, environmental sustainability, and rural development just to name a few. Within the Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension, you will find a community of scholars and practitioners deeply committed to advancing our understanding of these critical issues and developing innovative solutions.

Our distinguished academic members of staff bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the lecture halls. Please note that they are not just educators; they are also mentors and guides who are genuinely invested in your academic and personal growth. I encourage you to engage with them actively, seek their guidance, and explore opportunities for research and experiential learning.

To our new students, I want to emphasize again that this is not just a place to acquire knowledge; it is a platform for holistic development. So get involved in student clubs, join research projects, and participate in community outreach initiatives within the university. These experiences will not only enrich your university life but also shape you into well-rounded individuals with a deep sense of social responsibility.

As you embark on this educational voyage, always remember that the journey itself is as important as the destination. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and never stop asking questions and seeking answers. Here in the Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension, we are committed to fostering a spirit of curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

Lastly, I want to assure you that our department is more than just an academic institution; it is a supportive and inclusive community. If you ever encounter questions, concerns, or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated faculty and staff because we are here to guide you every step of the way.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each one of you for choosing the Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension at the University of Embu. Your presence here adds vibrancy to our academic community, and we are excited to witness the incredible contributions you will make to the fields of agriculture, extension, agribusiness, and beyond.

Thank you for joining us, and let us embark on this transformative journey together.
May God bless you.

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